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門診許多病患來諮詢靜脈曲張手術時,經常會問到一個問題: 微創雷射手術應該在全身麻醉、半身麻醉、或局部麻醉下進行? 這個問題可以由2004年英國國家健康照護機構(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, 簡稱NICE), 所頒布的靜脈曲張微創雷射手術(Endovenous Laser Treatment)的治療準則得到答案(圖一)。

NICE-1 圖一:NICE對於微創雷手術的治療準則 



Under ultrasound guidance and local anaesthesia(局部麻醉), a catheter is placed into the long saphenous vein. A laser fibre is passed through it and positioned below the saphenofemoral junction. An anaesthetic agent is then injected, and the fibre is slowly withdrawn while energy from a diode laser (810 nm or 940 nm wavelength) is applied in short pulses.


圖二 靜脈曲張雷射手術的步驟描述


為什麼靜脈曲張雷射手術建議在局部麻醉下進行呢?其實這個問題,國外的病人也有相同的疑問,我們來看看國外各家靜脈治療中心的醫師們的回答(參考網址: http://www.veindirectory.org/question/is-vnus-performed-under-general-or-local-anesthesia-814),所有的醫師一致認為,應該在局部麻醉下進行,全身麻醉是不需要的。其中有一個醫師點出了重點,即"靜脈曲張雷射手術"後,需要病人下床行走,促進血液流動,以減少深部靜脈血栓的風險,因而需要局部麻醉(圖三)。茲將該段文字敘述節錄如下:

I perform VNUS (電波)and endovenous laser (雷射)for saphenous veins and would not recommend general anesthesia(不推薦使用全身麻醉). In the reports of side effects/complications from VNUS under general anesthesia, the rate of deep vein thrombosis is much higher(使用全身麻醉,術後併發深部靜脈血栓的機率增加). This is likely due to limited mobility immediately following the procedure as you recover from the anesthesia.

foreign doctor answer  




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