
Biergarten = Beer garden = 啤酒屋

The airport of Salzburg

The night view of Salzburg


The wedding on the lakeside

The street performers. I guess they were college students.

The vivid portrait.

The waterfall between two hotels

The Alps valley seen from my hotel window in the morning.


The hotels on the hill.

The St. Maria statue

Walk up the hill if you want to save the taxi fee.

Badgastein, Austria

I hope there are such fashion and romantic trains in Taiwan's cities.  

The golden statue of Strauss

The circle-arranged chairs in front of the library

Alps, Innsbruck

The garden behind the royal palace of Austria

Princess Sisi's room

The cable cars to the moutain of Innsbruck


The clear pond on the moutain


The flap of Austria

The bird view of Innsbruck

The old woman and her dog. What a leisure life!

Someone's house. I hope I can have the similar one.

A Gothic church


The small colorful train

Salzburg, evening


The peacock just stood there like a king.

The yellowish theater under the blue sky in the evening. Beautiful color.

There is not just old style architecture in Austria. Look at the fashion cafe.


Someone's home, 鹽湖

Backpack shop

Flowers of unknown name

Just sit on the chair and rest your legs in the cool water. Very enjoying.

Guess what the small ladder is for ?

The thoughtful masters of the house built it for their lovely cat



The grave yard



It's nice to take a walk here.

The expensive but  delicious trout.

Going to plant flowers

The beautiful salt bottles

Another style

Willkommen (German) = Welcome (English) 

The white swan


Airport of Salzburg


The main street of Salzburg

Salzburg castles.


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